Friday, January 11, 2013

2013 Plans/ Resolutions

Yeah Yeah.... I'm.. 3 weeks late writing this post lol. But better now than never! Right?

I've been wanting to get into putting myself out there, for some time now. But bc of a lot of family obligations, etc, It's been hard to put my focus into my own development as an artist. But no longer is that an excuse anymore! I'm too late to sign up for exhibiting at any conventions at the moment, but i do want to create a load of content and kick ass art in the coming year and beyond that. I want to get into painting traditionally more, just everything I can do to develop on my own and get better. 2013 and beyond to me is all about just getting better. So what to do now? Sketch Sketch Sketch! I'll be continuing on trying to do a sketch a day. Over the year's i've messed with a lot of different styles all bc its part of the job. Versatility is something I've gotten good at, but with that I've also felt like i've lost my identity, and can't pinpoint a specific style of what my artwork is. Maybe with enough sketching I'll find that this year :P

Sooo breakdown of my plan lol

-Draw and sketch more, one a night at least
-Paint (traditionally or digitally) a completed image every 2 weeks
-Find my artist style/ identity in the process
-Work on a few big personal projects
-Put myself out there more in order to get critiques, exposure, and to purposely make it a habit to post either on my blog, fb, or instagram.

Aaand thats pretty much it lol.

Non artwise i wanna eat cleaner and healthier and workout more just to be in better shape :P

Here are some stuff I'm currently working on!

Lately I've been feeling a bit of nostalgia And decided I wanted to draw things that had great influence on my art and drawings growing up. I forgot how much i loved the character Blink from X-Men and how Joe Mad's style was a huge influence on me when i got into comic books. I decided to do some fanart of her. I'm pretty excited for this one! Can't wait to finish it and do some more of this type of stuffs!

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